Focus on your customer
Putting the customer at the heart of your company will make you more successful,
will motivate your people, attract talent and support innovation.
Think and feel like the customer
Find out what the customer wants, and deliver it. Sounds simple and obvious. It still requires a mind shift, learning about the optimization of value streams, the adoption of design thinking, a new approach to product development where we gradually learn what the customer wants and appreciates and is prepared to pay for.
Agile product development uses new techniques such as persona's, empathy maps and customer journeys to get a better and shared understanding of who the customer is, what he likes, what her feelings are when deciding to use your product.
Understand the customer's needs
Understand the customer, then understand problems and challenges in her life. See the opportunity to solve the problem, bring a solution to make life better. Then think about ways to develop the solution.
That is Design Thinking in a nutshell.
The solution itself is an opportunity to learn more about your customer. What does he buy, what comments do you receive, what extra features may the customers like? You need to become a Learning Organization...
Experiments and the lean startup
We do not know what the customer wants, we can only formulate ideas. Hypotheses to be tested.
Starbucks thought the market was ready for a new brand of coffee and opened a coffee bar to promote that coffee. They discovered that the market was really open to the idea of coffee bars.
Again, become a Learning Organization! The company that learns the fastest will also excel in creating value through innovation.
Value Management
Focus on the customer means focus on outcome, not output. What value are we delivering to the customer?
Portfolio management and the Project Management Office get replaced by Lean Portfolio Management and the Value Management Office. They provide the governance in a lean-agile environment.